Savannah's Haven
5872 S Indiana Ave, Cudahy, WI 53110
- 414-430-0660
Day Care
Day Care
For Adults With Special Neeeds
Welcome to Savannah’s Haven – Adult Day Care, a compassionate and vibrant sanctuary designed to enrich the lives of our cherished community members. At Savannah’s Haven, we understand the importance of providing a nurturing and engaging environment that caters to the unique needs of adults who may require assistance or companionship during the day. Our dedicated team is committed to ensuring a safe, stimulating, and supportive space where individuals can thrive. At the heart of Savannah’s Haven is a comprehensive range of services carefully crafted to enhance the well-being of our participants. Our professional and compassionate staff members are trained to provide personalized care, fostering a sense of community and connection. We recognize the diverse needs of our clients, and our services are tailored to address each individual’s physical, social, and unique needs.
Key Services at Day Care
Personalized Care Plans
Each participant receives an individualized care plan that considers their unique health, mobility, and cognitive requirements. Our goal is to promote independence while offering the necessary support.
Health Monitoring
Our experienced healthcare professionals closely monitor the health of participants, ensuring medication management, vital sign checks, and early symptom detection.

Engaging Activities
Life at Savannah’s Haven is filled with purposeful and enjoyable activities. From arts and crafts to cognitive exercises, we provide a stimulating environment that encourages mental, emotional, and social well-being.

Nutritious Meals
A well-balanced and nutritious diet is essential for overall health. Our culinary team prepares delicious meals as well as using fresh whole foods accommodating dietary restrictions and preferences.

Social Interaction
Building meaningful connections is a cornerstone of Savannah’s Haven. Our community-based approach encourages social interaction, reducing feelings of isolation and promoting a sense of belonging.

Respite for Caregivers
We recognize the vital role of caregivers, and our adult day care provides a respite for them. Caregivers can entrust their loved ones to our capable hands, knowing they are in a caring and secure environment.
Savannah’s Haven – Adult Day Care is a haven where individuals can embrace each day with purpose and dignity. Join us on this journey of enriching lives and creating a community that celebrates the unique abilities of every individual we serve.